About Theresa
Credentials & Certificates
Certified Crystal Healer
Certified Bach and Flowerr Essence Practitioner
Certified Holy Fire Karuna Reiki Master Teacher
Reiki Membership Association
Co-Creator and Master Teacher of Astarte
Cerfied Shamballa Reiki Master Teacher
Certified Level 1 SomaEnergetics Sound Therapy
Certified Usui Reiki Master Teacher
Certified Sekhem-Seichim-Reiki VII (Master)
Certified Level III Divinity Healing
Certified Level 1 Healing Touch
Certified Axiatonal Grid Alighnment
Minister of the Universal Life Church
Bachelors Degree in Education

"Theresa is a blessing. Since the first time i spoke with her on the phone to make an appointment she made me feel comfortable in who i am and my decisions. She is very sincere and caring. Everytime i have a reading with her, it is right on and i learn more about myself. My energy healing sessions with her have been experiences of spiritual growth and self-love.
I have attended numerous events and classes including being certified master in shamballa multi-dimensional reiki with theresa. She is a wonderful teacher who has tons of patience. She takes the time to make sure her students understand the material and how to practice their skills the correct way by universal law. You learn so much insight about the energy of the universe and yourself and how it can change the life of others but most importantly, yourself.”
M.M. -- Knoxville, Tennessee

Mission & Philosophy
My path in this lifetime is that of a teacher and healer on multidimensional levels.
The behavior and application of non-physical energy has been a life long fascination. As a child I had been able to see into the non-physical fairly easily, but with no context within which to understand or respond to those experiences, many of them were pretty frightening. In my early 20’s I began to read about and studied all the new information I could find about the nature of personal and planetary metaphysical reality.
During my 30’s I began to try to harness my “psychic” experiences and was blessed with a couple of really good teachers. I realized that I often felt the feelings of others, and many times was unable to distinguish them from my own. As a child and young adult, this phenomena had greatly influenced my life in ways that were unhealthy. As I learned to create “psychic” boundaries, a very simple process; my whole life changed for the better. After learning to use my psychic abilities in a positive, purposeful way, as opposed to being used by them, I decided I wanted to use those abilities to help others.
As a teacher, it was very natural to begin teaching others, and I gave small classes in meditation and developing psychic abilities in my home. The more I learned about energy, and how it applied to people, their behavior and their health, the happier and healthier I became. It was wonderful to teach these principles, and observe how much they helped others.
I studied and experimented with many different tools for energy healing along the way. I learned that most illness starts in the non-physical energy bodies, and that the application of non-physical energy many times helped people get well.
Learning Reiki was a natural progression in this process. For several years I just practiced it on myself, close friends, and family. As I became more interested in healing, I grew more adept at Reiki, and had many wonderful experiences with it’s healing energy. I eventually became a Reiki Master, and fell in love with teaching Reiki to others. The nature of Reiki is that it heals on all levels; physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Now one of my greatest joys in life is to watch my Reiki students grow, to see them become more self empowered and confident as they master these new healing skills.
In 2015 I became a Holy Fire Karuna Reiki Master. I love this new system of Reiki! It is so perfectly aligned with the new energies coming in to the planet. I have integrated the Holy Fire into my current Reiki practice, and classes.
Now I am working on the Astarte Classes for Self Healing. It is very exciting creating this system and adapting it to the new higher frequency energy on our planet.
Life just keeps getting better!
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